Part I: General Information Your name *
Business Name *
Your email *
Current Website URL (if applicable)
Current Web Hosting Company (if applicable)
What domain registrar do you use? (if applicable)
Preferred contact method
Skype Whatsapp LinkedIn Other
Preferred contact details
Part II: Background Information Please describe your organization/business in a few sentences. *
What problems do your clients have that your organization/business solves? What makes you different? *
Why do you want to have a new website? What are your priorities? *
What frustrates you about your current website? *
Describe your target audience? What do you want to your site to convey? *
For Profit: Who are your director competitors? Non Profit: Name some peer organizations that are similar to yours.
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Part III: Brand Identity List any important words that you want people to associate with your organization’s image and brand.
What is your tagline? *
Do you have a high-resolution logo? *
Yes No Not Sure
If yes, what format is it in? (Exam: JPEG, EPS, PNG)
Are there any colors that you want incorporated into the website?
Do you have established print materials? If yes, what type (brochure, letterhead, event materials, etc):
Do you use Google Analytics? *
Yes No
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Part IV: Design Preferences Please list the names of three to five other sites that you like. In the comment section, please articulate why the sites are attractive to you.
Website #1 URL
Website #1 Comments
Website #2 URL
Website #2 Comments
Website #3 URL
Website #3 Comments
Website #4 URL
Website #4 Comments
Website #5 URL
Website #5 Comments
What types of things do you see on other websites do you hate?
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Part V: Content & Features Do you currently have content that you want to use?
Yes No
If no, who will be providing the content?
Do you have high resolution photos that you want to incorporate into your website?
Yes No
If no, who will be providing photos?
Are type of website functions that you need?
Anything else we can help you with?
Good work! You're finished! Just press the "Request Service" button below and we'll be on our way.
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